Open Ground Flares are featured
by the following main characteristics:
The External Gas Distribution system
relevant to each flare stage is
composed of a set of automatic
and manual valves completed
with a safety system (burst disc
or pin valves) and the relevant
block valves.
These components are located
outside of the flare protection
shield in a free access area.
The Internal Gas
Distribution system
is composed of a set of
underground or protected
gas header distributors.
Each stage is equipped with a set of burners including ignition and continuous pilots, strategically located in the center of a dedicated and protected area in order to optimize the system functionality.
The ground flare area is protected by a shield or embankment in order to completely surround the flame.
Open Ground Flares are necessary for handling large gas flow rate with smokeless operations neverthless they require large clearances.
Enclosed Ground Flares are suitable for managing low and medium gas flow rates and are developed as per specific residence time allowing to a very high combustion efficiency under any atmospheric conditions.
Enclosed Ground Flares are equipped with a vertical combustion chamber designed to operate by natural air draft which can be used for gas, liquid or combined emergency combustion.
Combustion chamber insulation materials are selected according to the flue gas velocity and operating conditions:
FPSO (Floating production storage and offloading) installation represents a particular application of the Enclosed Ground Flare on ships for gas/oil extraction and treatment. Thermoengineering has developed a distinctive expertise in FPSO application which requires certification by Notified Bodies as ABS or RINA for offshore equipment.
Thermoengineering was awarded twice (in 1996 and in 2010) by the same End User the supply of FPSO equipment, complying with the most stringent constraints related to H2S and pollutants and satisfying critical safety issues in a restricted area like a vessel’s deck; the configuration also granted zero radiation to allow safe operation in a manned offshore area.
Since then other similar applications followed and the gallery shows the most significant examples.
a Socio Unico
Soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di ENCORE COMBUSTION, LLC
Sede legale:
Via San Damiano 9, 20122 Milano
Sede operativa:
Via Cavriana 14, 20134 Milano
Capitale Sociale € 10.000 i.v.
C.F. / P. IVA / R.I. Milano 11474720965
Fax +39 02 7010 9827